I could rollback using previous version just for that. B)
Flash is more universal.
But anyway. Thank you both for your immediate response. :)
Another question is how could the winamp link use extension .m3u ?
Flash Player needs a "concrete" Content-Lenght.
The stream has not content lenght, it's infinite. So the trick was to set an huge content-lenght in the headers.
But this caused flash to crash (it try to malloc content-lenght bytes...). So i reduced the content-lenght to a reasonable value: this causes flash to reach the EOF , so it need to restart playing.
This is very very dirty way to use flash player. <_<
(NB: the compiled EXE version of flash player don't need the content-lenght, so it can be used for infinite stream).
So, in the v2 (very very clean code , look the source! ) i deicided to remove flash: embedded player will works fine.
I can't code hard to make PS to be more stable when the player is unstable... :o
m3u? Yes: there are yet a plist.m3u cgi. Simply link to m3u instead of .pls...
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